This website is sysadmin humor. Please don't take it seriously! I fixed ipv6 access. Woo.
Watch this every day.
I need to say good morning to Support.
What does a DDoS look like?
How you should feel when you see INSERT INTO `semaphore` ... in `mysqladmin proc`
The Official Car of Operations
The Official Car of Engineering
John loves MVC Frameworks
What it feels like to pick up oncall at 4 AM
Hand Over that 'fun' ticket.
Go rsync Go!
Want to jump on a phone bridge while working on the outage?
Sometimes you go on vacation and play a bunch of games
When you finish your first clean sprint
Whaaaaaat do you want for luuuuuunch?
Holidays that include a pager rotation
What I imagine life in Professional Services(the folks at work that integrate Drupal with whatever you want) to be like
Sometimes you collect a bunch of mantras to foster positive change in the organization.
Sometimes you quit your job
Sometimes you start a new job