Notes: (p) means playable on an Intel NUC i5.
           (m) means I played it on a Macintosh
           (n) means I played it on a Nintendo Switch
           (s) means I played it on a Steam Deck

    Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds: You know when you like a remix better
    than the original song? It's like that.

    DiRT Rally: If you're into driving cars around rally style you'll dig this.
    Car games have come a long way

    Bravely Default: I'm no longer mad at Squeenix for that $5 I wasted on FF13
    (from the last time Steam got drunk and had a sale). I really like the
    ability system.

    Bravely Default Demo: You gonna lose all your progress if you get the full
    version, but you'll start off with some ok items. Completed it in 6 hrs and
    I'm bad at video games. Job tree is different than full game, but the idea
    is the same.

    Elite: Dangerous: Space truckin'. You can also pewpew at pirates and stuff,
    but sometimes you just gotta put on a podcast and cruise for a while with a
    cargo bay full of Leestian Evil Juice. That's legal in this system, right?

    Assetto Corsa: You can drive your Mk1 GTI around that famous German Road
    and write mods in Python. Lots of cars and tracks you can download. Works
    great with a wheel. Works OK with a xbox controller.

    Diablo 3: CLICK DEMONS! (Not enough spirit!)

    DOOM (2016): CLICK DEMONS! (In space!)

    20XX (The one 'Inspired By' Megaman, not the Smash Brothers hack): Pretty
    fun game. Could be my favorite megaman game.

    Gotta Protectors: Kinda sorta like Gauntlet but not really. Has a map
    editor. Big plus. I dig the game and the price was right.

    Race Track Builder: It's a buggy $60 map creator for Assetto Corsa. It's
    all I want to do now. No (obvious?) manual, you have to watch youtube

    Assetto Corsa Porsche DLC: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. Volkswagen Group best
    group. They didn't include the emissions cheat codes in the first 2 packs.
    Maybe the third!

    Redout: It's like WipEout, F-Zero and Extreme G had a baby. And that baby
    likes psytrance and really fast gameplay. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss.

    Brumm: It's like Micro Machines for the NES, but on your computer.

    Undertale: This game is effing weird.

    Zelda: Breath of the Wild (n): It's like Dovakin and Zelda had a baby.
    After about 10 minutes I stopped caring about the 720p at 30hz being
    upscaled to 1440p, cause it's Zelda. But Skyrim. With some Metroid
    sprinkles.  And Half Life 2 sprinkles (CHECK OUT OUR PHYSICS ENGINE!)

    Zelda: Breath of the Wild: A Couple Weeks Later: I played for 25 hours
    before hitting the first dungeon. Ain't even mad.  Get this game, but maybe
    give nintendo $toomuch for a Switch for improved framerate.

    20XX (1.0): Pretty cool. Adds 50 achievements, cutscenes, 2x "Mad
    Scientist" levels at the end.

    Cuphead: Yes. Tough as nails but mostly fair.

    Opus Magnum (p): Trap for nerds. Open ended puzzles, you can 'just' solve
    them, optimize for speed, cost, space, or any combination of the above.
    Comes with a level editor!  

    Opus Magnum, a couple weeks later: 

    Star Mazer: DSP (p): Pretty fun shmup with rogue elements.

    GRID Autosport (p): Let's say your desktop stops booting. Let's say you
    also need to get your racing game fix. Let's pretend you have an Intel NUC
    and don't mind arcade style driving. This game is for you.

    Puyo Puyo Tetris (n): Meh. No 20G. Competitive online is pretty alright.
    Learn to chain perfect-clear/TST/B2B if you want to keep up with people
    that pick Puyo.

    Slay the Spire (p): As of this entry, I've put 10.7 hours of time into
    Steam games in the past 2 weeks. 7.4 of those hours were in Slay the Spire.
    I bought it yesterday. Imagine if Dominion (the card game) did a collab
    with Nethack (the roguelike).

    Slay the Spire (p) (6 days later): Twenty hours in six
    days. That's a part-time job.

    Dead Cells (n): It's a platformer kinda like Rogue Legacy (without the
    debuffs) and Dark Souls had a kid.

    20XX (n): Not a great port, but not an awful port. Wicked blurry on my
    screen, looks fine in tablet mode.

    Ikaruga (n): Oh cool, I bought Ikaruga for the 4th time! An iconic
    spaceship shmup.  Supports portrait mode, even on the tablet. Good thing
    those joycons are detachable :)

    Ocotopath Traveler (n): Bravely Default without being called Bravely
    Default. Give the demo a spin.

    Slay the Spire (m) (903 days later): 353 hours logged. That might be more
    than the Quake series.

    Tetris Effect (Connected): The Zone mechanic is the best thing to happen to
    Tetris in the past decade, maybe longer.

    Stray (s): This game is cool. It took me 10 hours ('people' are saying it
    takes 4. I even had a FAQ... maybe I'm slow.) The game was fun, but I'm not
    super hyped with some of the story.